Mon 1 Aug, 2005 06:42 pm
Having problems with some cryptic clues,wondered if anyone can help?
1)Chap tried out for a song (4,5)
2)Awful dating run ends in mutual agreement (13)
3)Angry inspector who questions witnesses (5-8)
I'm not very good with cryptic crosswords, so any clues as to how to solve them would be very helpful.
Thank you
Puzzled crossword fan
Red door, welcome
which publication is this from and do you have any letters in?
Cryptic Crossword help
Publication is New Zealand Woman's Day Lucky Puzzle Book
I have since worked out one of the answers = Chap tried out for a song (4,5) = Dirt Cheap
Angry inspector who questions witnesses (5-8) C????-???M?N??
Awful dating run ends in mutual agreement (13) ????????N????
Hope you can help
Angry inspector ----- CROSS EXAMINER
Dating run ends ------ UNDERSTANDING (anagram)
Crossword Help
For this NIPSA News Cryptic Crossword Clue:
"What you could do to your life when not at home"
4 letters, the second is I the last is N