Linkat wrote:
First thing is everyone all good? No one hurt?
If so, then no not until he meets your rules.
Yes, everyone seems to be okay. The gf may have fractured her hip or something. Last time I saw her she was on crutches. The majority of my step-son's things were in the car and were destroyed by the fire. Meeting the rules is one thing, bot mommy allowing him to slide on those rules are something else. Remember, he doesn't have a car to go sleep in anymore out in the driveway. Again, we're fully vaccinated and boosted but we also have elderly parents who are also vaxed and boosted but I would hate to carry covid back to one of them with their ailments simply because, as the step-son says, "If I get the vaccine then they win." But even vaccinated and boosted individuals are getting covid still. That's just a chance I'm not willing to take or bring into my home.
He needs to get a job because he's not just going to lay around this house all day doing nothing. A mile from our house there are a number of fast food places, a grocery store, several gas stations, several auto parts stores, etc. Again, about a mile's walk from our house. In his mine that's too far to walk but when you are trying to start over a mile walk to get to work is better than sitting at home all day making no money. He will probably think that those jobs are beneath him so he won't even consider them. A job, get vaccinated showing proof, and he will also either take over a household bill or he gives a set amount of money each month. Again, we're probably only talking $200 a month but I can assure you the wife will think that's too much.