Thu 27 Mar, 2003 02:17 pm
I was looking at the Word Association thread. The person before me had written, "Whatever floats your boat". All of a sudden the phrase- "Ivory Soap- "It Floats", came into my head. Now I can't remember the last time that I had heard that slogan.
I wondered how that phrase came to being, so I looked it up in Google. I found that the "floating soap" came about accidentally:
Link to Ivory Soap
Do you have any funny or interesting stories about product slogans?
Without following the link... it's because it has air in it.
I can't think of any at the moment Phoenix, but am looking forward to the responses.
An early study on human fatigue showed that human energy dropped to its lowest levels during the day at 10:30 AM, 2:30 PM, and 4:30 PM daily. Therefore, drinking Dr Pepper at 10 AM, 2 PM, and 4 PM would boost energy. Thus the "10-2-4" symbol
Did you know that banana is good for our health? c.i.
I thought it was because Ivory was 99 and 99% pure?
Remember when there was a contest to find the few bars of Ivory that they intentionally made non-floating? I don't remember what the prize was, only that the contest reminded me of golden chocolate bar wrappers...
mamajuana, haven't seen you in a while, love your avatar!
Why thanks, marycat. I'm around, just not always. Good to see you, too.
Anything floats on water that is lighter than the density of water, or has an air pocket that keeps the water out. c.i.
c.i., your banana post reminded me of the Chiquita song lyrics I was just reading about recently.
The original lyrics:
"I'm Chiquita banana and I've come to say - Bananas have to ripen in a certain way- When they are fleck'd with brown and have a golden hue - Bananas taste the best and are best for you - You can put them in a salad - You can put them in a pie-aye - Any way you want to eat them - It's impossible to beat them - But, bananas like the climate of the very, very tropical equator - So you should never put bananas in the refrigerator."
Music © 1945 Shawnee Press Inc.
Those lyrics have bugged me ever since I figured out how much longer I can keep bananas if I refrigerate them! (My grandmother used to put them in the freezer...)
In 1999 they updated the lyrics to make it more relevant to today's consumer... ie nutritional value of eating a banana every day...
New lyrics:
"I'm Chiquita Banana and I've come to say - I offer good nutrition in a simple way - When you eat a Chiquita you've done your part - To give every single day a healthy start - Underneath the crescent yellow - You'll find vitamins and great taste - With no fat, you just can't beat 'em - You'll feel better when you eat 'em - They're a gift from Mother Nature and a natural additional to your table - For wholesome, healthy, pure bananas - look for Chiquita's label!"
Lyrics © 1999 Chiquita Brands, Inc.
ah... but do bananas float? And can you wash them with Ivory Soap?
KFC - Finger lickin' good.
Mountain Dew - It'll tickle your innards.
Kool Aid - Oh yeah! Sugar water!