I just want to reiterate what I previously stated for clarification:
I also want to expound a bit on what I previously stated:
1. There are some instances when Congress might hold a hearing to find out what happen,
in order to
determine if new laws are needed to prevent something from happening again.
2. While holding those hearings, if Congress uncover criminal acts, I feel that it is their obligation to refer that information to the Justice Department for possible prosecution.
3. If that means big bad Trump, then so be it.
4. If that means some other individual or individuals, then so be it.
5. I don't believe that Congress can just look the other way if they happen to uncover criminal acts derived from a Congressional hearing.
6. If anyone is going to do any prosecuting, that would fall under the jurisdiction of the Justice Department.
7. All of what I am saying is just my own understanding.