Navy Starts Administrative Separations for COVID-19 Vaccine Refusers
Source: U.S. Navy
15 December 2021
From MC1 Mark D. Faram, Chief of Naval Personnel Public Affairs.
WASHINGTON - The Navy issued guidance to commanders to move forward with administrative separations for service members continuing to refuse the COVID-19 vaccination, while leaving the door open for those who change their minds.
The Navy released these procedures, points of contact and other details in NAVADMIN 283/21 on Dec. 15.
“In order to ensure a fully vaccinated force, U.S. Navy policy is, first, that all Navy service members receive the vaccine as directed and, second, that any who refuse the vaccine be processed for separation at the earliest possible opportunity,” said Vice Adm. John B. Nowell, Jr., the chief of naval personnel in the message.
“While the vast majority of Navy service members have already received the vaccine, it remains in the interest of the Navy to encourage remaining Navy service members to become fully vaccinated as soon as possible and, at such time, consider them for retention.”
However, service members currently refusing the vaccine who change their minds still have a path to stay Navy, even if they cannot meet the Navy’s stated vaccination deadlines.
Once these Sailors initiate their vaccination series, they can now work through their commands to report this updated status to COVID Consolidated Disposition Authority (CCDA). Unless there are extenuating circumstances, they could see administrative separations paused or stopped.
Service members with pending COVID-19 vaccination exemption requests will not be processed for separation. However, if denied they must start vaccination within five days of notification. Continued refusal after that will result in administrative processing for discharge.
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