maxdancona wrote:
What I want you to say is that someone who is unvaccinated has the same right to care, compassion and respect that you have.
I don't know of anyone who doesn't agree with receiving care. Respect for their stupid decision - maybe not, compassion when they got ill due to that stupid decision - maybe/maybe not. But of course they have the same right to care.
Stop moralizing and portraying yourself as the only rational, fair person here. Are you aware of how smarmy and self-righteous you sound? You're as bad as oralloy, inferring we are libtards, progressives, etc.
Hightor's points are exactly right. Unvaccinated people who aren't following the recommended protocols are not helping, in fact, their actions are extending this damn pandemic which everyone is heartily sick of.
They don't have the right to infect others due to their stupidity, stubbornness, or mistaken sense of entitlement. So, yeah, if they aren't allowed in a restaurant - good, get out, go to a fast food outlet, go home and cook, while I safely eat my meal.
And quit calling it a 'medical procedure' - it's a damn jab in the arm. It doesn't hurt and it doesn't harm. People take other medicines made by these companies, people have been required to have other jabs - their position is unreasonable and unfathomable.
But... these ignorant asses can still get care in a hospital - no one disputes that.