maxdancona wrote:
The liberal extreme makes the claim that the pro-life side wants to "deny women health care".
I've never heard anyone claim that. Show me a quote.
maxdancona wrote:You can be pro-choice without making this extreme argument, however the extreme arguments is what you mostly hear from both the political left and the political right.
No, it's not. With regards to abortion, you may hear that from a few who show up to protest, but in my experience, most people stay at home and keep out of it. With respect to the bolded claim, no. I think, again, you're hearing from the vocal few. Most people, again, don't give a rat's ass about enough issues to proclaim anything, much less have an 'extreme argument' about it.
Seems to me the only extremist here is you.
Most people have opinions that are middle of the road, not extremist one way or the other.