maxdancona wrote:
So if I understand you correctly...
1) Your main problem with what you are calling "American Capitalism" is that there are people who don't have "sufficient".
2) The solution you have offered is something like what we have now... but with a Guaranteed Minimum Income.
Is that right? (I realize I might have overstated #2, but I will let you correct me.) I want to understand your position exactly
I've pretty much stated my stance on this issue rather clearly already, Max, but allow me to do it again.
First, a predicate: We have or can easily and reasonably have MORE than enough of all the vitals of life for every person living in this country. We have MORE than enough food, more than enough clothing, more than enough educational facilities, more than enough means of transportation, more than enough places of shelter, more than enough means of communication; more than enough availability of medical necessities; more than enough OF EVERYTHING needed for EVERYONE to live a bare essential existence...AND GODDAM NEAR MORE THAN ENOUGH OF EVERYTHING NEEDED FOR EVERYONE TO LIVE AN ENJOYABLE EXISTENCE. One filled with many of the amenities of life.
TV's are in abundance, computers are in abundance, books are in abundance, movies are in abundance, writing utensils are in abundance, artistic/creative necessities are in abundance. hammocks are in abundance. And such that they are not totally enough...can easily and reasonably be obtained.
EVERYONE should be assured of an existence which includes the necessities of a bare essential existence...and a modicum of those things that make life much more enjoyable.
Once that is in place...capitalism can be the vehicle for how the rest is divided up.
I might note that if you want your garbage picked up...or your lawn mowed for you...or your sidewalks shoveled...or such...
...the people doing that would probably only do it if they were rewarded VERY , VERY, VERY WELL. That would help make capitalism work for the little guy as well as the honchos.
How we get that "sufficient" to the masses...could be via a a minimum guaranteed income...or it could be something I am not smart enough to envision.