Chai Tea wrote:If that's your idea of grace and patience, you must have been born on another planet.
95% of the things you say everywhere on A2K is negative and condescending. Like your crap doesn't stink, and you can barely stand to be of the same species.
You don't intimidate me.
If you don't like what I say, tough.
I am not trying to intimidate you. I don't play that sort of game and you do.
I try to ignore what you say, until you attack me, as you did on this thread.
As for negative and condescending: you're the expert.
When a friend of mine proposed writing a thesis on George Eliot at Harvard, her thesis director gave her a reading list that included German philosophy and more. It took her a year to get through it. As she later said, "In no way was I prepared to write on Eliot. I had so much to learn."