Sun 24 Jul, 2005 10:12 am
Which word, in some cases hyphenated, can precede all the following to make two word phrases: bar, bone, cup, dram, iron, lantern, leather, money, pump, side, and vase?
Could it be back? I mean "back".
If it's either of those I am missing it?
What does the "can" mean Don?
spendius wrote:What does the "can" mean Don?
no trick spendius simply you can put a certain word in front of these words to make two- word phrases.
What I meant Don was related to poetic licence.I think the question is confusedly worded.I wasn't thinking trick.Is "the bar" a two word phrase?
..or "one" one bar, one vase, one cup, and so on....
spendius/ CJ
I didn't take it as that, as I said I don't think it is a trick question and if you could just put "one" in front of it then it would be (in my view) a trick question
I looked at it as being a straight forward word puzzle.
OK then Don.I submit.I tried for ages but can't come up with it.One musn't neglect other threads.
If you get three submissions you should reveal it and try an easier one.We are a bit thick you know.
(Which footy team dust stick up fer lad?)
Stirrup comes close.
I found these: stirrup bar, stirrup bone, stirrup cup, stirrup-dram, stirrup iron, stirrup lantern, stirrup leather, stirrup pump, stirrup-side, and stirrup vase, but "stirrup money" eludes me.
while "money back" could do as in money back guarantee.
Others do also with back.
It will be stirrup I'm pretty sure.Stirrup money is probably a modern term in financial matters to do with gearing.
But it was too difficult really.The second biggest Oxford only gives bone,cup,iron and leather.It says vase is based on a misreading of a German word.
It gives with back hardly any of Don's list.
The Oxford is 2 vols and weighs about 6lbs.
Too tough Don.
Mac11 I cant link several of these to the word "stirrup" can you supply a link please?
Come on Don.Put us out of our misery.
Stirrup cup, stirrup leather, and stirrup pump are found at .
Here are links for the others, found on
stirrup bar
stirrup bone
stirrup iron
stirrup lantern
stirrup-side - several examples shown
stirrup-vase - showing the google results page, as subscription is required to view the Encyclopaedia Brittanica entry
spendius wrote:Come on Don.Put us out of our misery.
I cant spendius I've been stuck on this for a week.
I didn't see a comment on my suggestion:
Sorry mark overlooked you there, water leather? water iron?