Thanks for the responses.
I only pay for liability insurance. I work from home and don't drive much, but I need my car for essential things. My insurance agent isn't very helpful to be honest. I guess I was under the impression that liability doesn't include uninsured motorist coverage. Am I wrong?
Also, to the person giving me grief, when the police came, they collected information from myself and the other driver. I knew immediately that the other driver was uninsured. And when I received a copy of the police report two weeks later, it said right on it that the other driver was only given a verbal warning.
I have to eat too, why do I have to pay my hard earned money on car insurance if I won't get in trouble driving without it? I don't even drive my car much at all. And when I was 20 yrs old, I got into trouble for driving with no insurance. They impounded my car, fined me, and I had to go to court. Then I had to have an SR22 on my license. Why does this person get off so easy, and why do I have to play by the rules when they don't?
This other driver was trying to start a fight as well along with her boyfriend. Yelling and swearing at me. I'm only 5'7' and about 110lbs, I was scared. That's why I called the cops.