Arightie then, Slap, cut and paste away.
I would like to ask littlek's permission to transfer this image to my "Let's Caption the Photo" thread.
I better not. Some members may not recognize you and say something cruel and hurtful. I would not want to be responsible for your suffering.
I will say that your room is very tastefully decorated, K. Very nice indeed.
I love the sign.
That's the bar I worked at.
You look like you should be standing in a boat, crossing the Delaware.
Ha, interesting perspective.
much better than the pirate costume...
Mmmm, I've had some good costumes.
I say, forget fashion,
everyone should ditch thier clothes and resort
to body paint instead.
Wonderful, funny and lovely and ballsy to post. Yayyyy.
Well, Osso, I figured that everyone at the bar saw me that night, some took pictures - you never know where it may have already ended up.
You do realize that you can never be president now.
Er, I think the nekkid suit might be the least of the reasons why I willnever be prez.
So I leave A2K on the screen while I do various things, and sometimes E.G. reads it. That's fine. He saw this and read the whole thing and thought it was hilarious. He said I could add that there is a photo out there somewhere of him at a party, wearing red and black vinyl zipper boots, extremely ratted/ teased hair (this is circa 1987 or so, think that one guy from the Cure), and saran wrap. Thassit.
Oh, wait, he took black spray paint and covered his nether regions to start with, but that didn't last long.
He reports that some partygoers were not a little traumatized.
Some things I've dressed as for Halloween:
-Female bodybuilder.
-Pregnant nun.
-Spongebob Squarepants(not original, but I looked like a complete the job done).