farmerman wrote:
Im betting the jury wont be swayed by much of the defenses positions.
What or who killed Mr Floyd?
Who or what administered it?
Was excessive force the primary cause?
Should the defendent operated in a more humane and totally different manner?
Im sure the judges instructions to the jury will cover these points.
I hope you’re right.
But I can’t help worrying about that one or more of them who think a cop can do no wrong or the black person they confront can do no right, or both.
There are people to whom facts mean nothing if they don’t fit their preconceived ideas.
Some people watched the Capitol Hill riots and saw peaceful protesters.
Some people watched Trump **** up for four years and still think he’s a good man and good leader.
I hope you’re right, but I’ve thought there was an open and shut case against other policemen accused of crimes against a black person, and the US justice system has snatched that football right the **** away.