What are you saying? We should do nothing in front of the cruelty of nature that make so many defective and ill individuals, people without the possibility to have a normal life, work, have social relationships, sex, etc.?
Quote:Actually, that is exactly what we don't know.
You don't trust my judgment and I understand it, since I am a moron, but consider that the hypothetical scientists and doctors who would direct an eugenic program could do their research about this problem, by examining each biological trait (personality traits, i.q., physical aspect, etc.) which could influence human life and happiness, and decide when to intervene.
Quote:Attractiveness is highly subjective and has nothing to do with the quality of the human or his or her ability to contribute to society.
There is a subjective component to attractiveness, but scientific studies have demonstrated that the opinions of different people about the same face are higly correlated (r=0.8-0.9). You are nearly right when you say that attractiveness doesn't contribute to society and doesn't influence the value of an individual (I don't know anything like human value), but you cannot deny that it surely influence the economic success of an individual, because scientific studies have demonstrated that ugly people earn less.
Quote:f you made everyone the same height with the same features, people would just start focusing on nose shape or skin tone.
If everyone had the same height and the same features, I am sure that people would be treated in a more democratic manner, considering that now ugly people are higly discriminated in various settings (dating, employment, etc.).
Quote:You propose breeding out all the variation in human appearance, variations that nature has spent forever breeding in because you think you know the right answer.
I don't know the right answer, scientists and psychologists will study the correlations between certain human genetic traits and human outcome and happiness, and I am sure that they will find traits like health, intelligence, and beauty highly correlated with human happiness. Nature is a blind mechanism, again there is not reason to imagine that a group of scientists can be better at that, and natural selection is not operating in today's world, where nearly only sexual and artificial selection influence the human genetic pool. There is a genetic distance between stupid individuals and intelligent ones, but I don't think that select for intelligence would reduce genetic diversity so much, also because intelligent people don't have the same ethnic background and genetic variants which increase I.Q. are different. I imagine that there are features like a short stature or a gracile body that have been selected by nature for their utility in certain enviroment, but that now, in today's world, are useless and tend to reduce human happiness.
Quote:I think if you asked a number of people across the world you would get wildly varying opinions on beauty.
When scientists have asked to Maori to rate the face of English people, they have noted a strong similarity between the judgments of Maori and those of Englishmen.
Quote:As for IQ, what type of IQ do you suggest we breed for? Artists, musicians, mathematicians, chess players? The IQ you value (whatever it is) is not what others would value and is likely not solely what the human species needs to succeed.
To succeed IQ is not enough, but, again, we can force scientists to study the correlation between different biological traits and enviromental factors and human outcome to understand what to do. Unfortunatelly for low-IQ people like me, the famous psychologist Charles Spearman has isolated the g-factor, which is correlated with all the abilities needed for activities like engineers and mathematicians, which are among the most productive members of our society. Good artists and musicians don't have to have an IQ: they need a specific talent, but the society don't need a lot of them.
Quote:There is no species wide consensus as to what the perfect human is. Whoever makes the decisions transfers their biases into the answer. I don't think you want the entire human race to reflect the biases and preferences of a few.
Again, we need to have good scientists to find what human traits influence happiness and outcome.