Wed 13 Jul, 2005 08:11 pm
Can you help with the following cryptic clues:-
A good one is an act of kindness (4) ???n
Timepiece at risk of being stolen by pickpockets? (3,5) ?o? Watch
Legal guardians to have faith and bring back witness (8) T???t?e?
Monkey to a degree a godsend (6) ?a?o?n
On this lofty mount one assumes an attitude of arrogant superiority (4,5)
High ?o?s?
Many thanks
baboon for the monkey one?
(I never learned how to do these)
Hi canada
Timepiece at risk of being stolen - fob watch
Legal guardians - trustees
On this lofty mount - high horse
Baboon is correct - BA (degree) + BOON (godsend)
hello bermbits and crisscross
thanks for your replies much appreciated. I'm only waiting for a good one is an act of kindness now (new letters) ?u?n. Any ideas?
BTW, are there any online quizzes with which I can practice?