Such powerful feelings must feel pretty overwhelming at times.
Yes, they are a normal part of healing from abuse.
I am very sad that the samaritans somehow did not understand this.
For you right now, because you are wisely seeking therapy, I would just remind you that feelings are not you....you experience them and then they pass. In your case, you are experiencing them intensely and often.
It may be helpful for you not to censure them, or struggle with them, but just accept them and thank them. I wouldn’t mind betting that the strength of your anger and desire for revenge is part of the strength that got you through your abuse.
I’m not sure if the intensity of feelings has been there since it happened or if it has erupted since you decided to get help for what happened. In my experience a lot of people start experiencing this level of anger when they are ready to get help
While you are waiting to see someone who will actually get to know you and work out with you what is helpful, are there things you can do now to help you use the energy from your revenge fantasies helpfully and safely.
Some people like to do intense physical things, like work out, or exercise, or draw and paint. I worked with children and often they found punching bags or trampolining or dancing helpful.
Some kids loved to punch or kick beanbags.
Some people don’t like the intensity and, without denying or suppressing the feelings, liked to do things they found calming or soothing.
I’m thinking you found talking about your feelings helpful and that’s why you were calling the samaritans?
If so, there’s quite a lot of evidence that writing down our thoughts and feelings can be very helpful.
Just as I said don’t try to suppress or deny your thoughts and don’t feel bad about them, I’d also try not to actively hold onto them...but let them pass when they are ready to go.
You have the right to feel whatever you feel about what happened....
What matters is that you don’t harm yourself or anyone else.
I hope you are nourishing yourself with good food and exercise and are in a position where you can plan to do pleasant things.
You are a survivor. You deserve a good and happy life