farmerman wrote:you barely understand the math and theory behind intelligence tests. You only "think" that you are smarter than others because youve made up an allegory involving some wacko tale about your comparative intelligence (pwrhaps youve been compqred to a squirrel).
Wrong again. The reason why I know that I'm smarter than you are is because I read your posts.
You are not capable of making intelligent arguments. All you ever do is resort to childish insults.
farmerman wrote:Then youve convinced yourself that youve got some score on n SB and thts all that matters to you. Ill take an IQ test with you and spot you 10 SB points. Bet I come out on top.
You will not. If you were actually intelligent you would be making intelligent arguments instead of spewing childish insults.
If you were actually intelligent you'd also be able to understand all the arguments that routinely sail
way over your head.
farmerman wrote:Ive read your posts and theres no real brilliance there, youre kinda narrow, shallow and dull.
You have a big mouth, but you can't provide any examples of an untrue statement in my posts.
You also are not even remotely qualified to recognize brilliance when you see it.
farmerman wrote:(Im sure others have describd you as such).
Low-IQ types often falsely accuse their betters of their own low IQs. They do this as a crutch since they are unable to make intelligent arguments.
"When a true genius appears in this world, you may know him by this sign, that the dunces are all in confederacy against him."
-- Jonathan Swift, Thoughts on Various Subjects, Moral and Diverting