What an exquisite picture! This one is going on my office wall!
A stone cat covered with snow..
A gaggle of pristine white cats!

And check out the
size of Mr (or Ms) Big in the middle! Wow!
Alright people!! Lets see some action shots...pure breds puurrr fur ably. Lets go people, work with me, work with me!!

(after scratching the back)
Satt, do you take all of these cat photos you post? I love the snow covered cat and the one jumping with back-lighting.
No, almost all pictures are picked up on the net.
I would try to post my own pictures soon.
Amazing that there are so many good cat photos on the net!
My buddy Comet
She loves to follow me around in the garden...acting like a guard cat
The other cat...Cindy is her sister...hard to believe