Wandering the internet recently I came across this:
The last picture has a female holding a placard which says:
Covid is a Hoax
To usher in the New World Order and
Mark of the Beast
There is no government helping you
only a corporate controlled and bankster funded
Mafia enslaving you
Now first of all ..... I will happily measure my life against anyone else's but frankly neither Jesus nor religion feature in my existence .... So that is a pretty wild claim, madam.
In the 1980's the God of money told me to pick up my Porsche 911 and move to the City of London and lo I became a YUPPIE ... Most definitely a Bankster
... Please be assured plebeians, you do not figure 1% in the minds of Banksters, corporations or indeed anyone else of note because you have no value .. none.
Neo Liberalism (see Trump and others) attempts to give you a value, as in a capital/earning potential value but of course you fail that test horribly and end up making dumb placards instead. BLM as in Neo Liberalism all lives matter as long as they make money.
Personally I do not ascribe to Neo Liberal, I am not an 'anything'; just pragmatic. What is the point of wanting plebs to be profit centres when they can barely work out how to use a fork without damaging their eyes.
There was some deranged clown on here the other night claiming that 'big pharma' was/is trying to kill us all with it's vaccinations!!!! Can some brain dead moron please explain why that would make sense? If I am indeed (stupid Yankism warning), 'Big Pharma' ... Then I want to make you little twerps live as long as possible, so I can force my life saving drugs down you pathetic mindless throats.
The problem those protestors and all the rest of you have is not governments, Banksters, currency, pharmaceutical companies (note the word pharmaceutical, FFS), COVID, immigration, Obamacare or any of the facile risible garbage you puke .... It is you, no one else,
you are the problem with your life.
It is you through you own lack of innate abilities who have turned out uneducated and socially inadequate, which is why you are fiscally poor.
Why do not stop blaming everyone else for being so useless, be assured this definitely 100% includes all the Trump supporters, the religious, the Jesus freaks and all the rest of the world wide useless, social effluent ...
Do something for yourself for once in your pointless existence.
If BTW you do not know what the 'Flagellants' reference means ....
Then I am not surprised one little bit.