Green Witch, I am going to disclose some very confidential information to you. I am going to tell you my real name. Since we're the only ones on this thread currently I feel comfortable telling you my name. After you have read this info, I will delete the information. I don't want anyone else knowing about my private life. Only you.
My name is Johnny Danger.
Does Gus even have an eldest child? I don't want to get cheated if he wins.
Better get a six pack littlek.
gustavratzenhofer wrote:Green Witch, I am going to disclose some very confidential information to you. I am going to tell you my real name. Since we're the only ones on this thread currently I feel comfortable telling you my name. After you have read this info, I will delete the information. I don't want anyone else knowing about my private life. Only you.
My name is Johnny Danger.
Oh my Gosh! I think I'm your oldest child! Daddy is that you!
grab a six pack of Fat Tire K and some popcorn.
<bringing out the folding lawn chairs>
Ok I just pulled the wax ring off the bottle of Makers Mark. on with the show.
<passing Beth a beer - just drink it!>
Ok, I'm not very good at these games. What would someone from out East name their daughter?
Nah, scratch that.... no one would be that cruel.
gus you heard of the Woody boats called Kris Kraft?
<glug glug glug glug>
Momma tells me my daddy's name was Johnny Danger - Were you in East Jesus Nebraska in 1960 Gus?
Yep, I did your momma. Nebraska was quiet back then. Your mama and me were like gods in that town. She became pregnant with you and... well, money was scarce back then. I hope you understand.