It would appear you believe this to be a pretty simple question; it isn't, it is a sizeable book worth of knowledge.
These types of ideas float about the internet social media, like a cancer in the minds of the masses ... Another good one is "Why doesn't the government just give everyone £1 million dollars!!" Again that seems simple ... it isn't. Whilst I am not bothering to write a book, here's a few very loose pointers.
Modern economics and thereby capitalism as it is know, has around a 200 year history. However it still harks back to days of feudalism and also slave driven societies such as Rome .... The term 'wage slave' is extremely well coined (sic).
What you suggest is of course fraught with unanswerable issues ... Who precisely gets a 'free car'? ..... In the capitalist economy nothing is 'free',
free at the point of use perhaps but not free; everything has a cost. So it has to be funded - how? .... Next many businesses which sold cars would close, many jobs would be lost. Many finance companies would struggle and many jobs would be lost. Many local shops and malls would close and ma ... and on it goes.
Next, at what point
does one get a free car? Let us imagine for a second it is anyone who has a household income (of any form) which is less than $50,000 p/a .... So Mr T gets one but Mrs Y doesn't drive, so what does she get instead? He has a free car, if she gets nothing she becomes very angry.
What happens to Mr X who earns $50,500? He does not get a car. So he either asks his boss to pay him less or he might even stop work he is so demotivated ... multiply that by millions ... Imagine the civil unrest, "I work hard and earn $58,000 a year and get nothing, whilst that lazy bitch gets a car!!"
There are countries which pay 'child support' in benefits to every family with children, income irrespective ... why? Because otherwise the higher earners, the people who actually pay net taxation, they would get nothing out of the system which ostensibly they pay for.
These are all just lightweight 'lay' considerations of course, at an fundamental economic level the turmoil would be vast.
There are countries which do operate schemes to help people in certain circumstances. Even the appalling US clone, the UK, has a scheme for those who are entitled to certain high levels of disability benefits to access lease hire cars which are part funded by the UK government ... But these disabled people still pay over a large amount of their benefit every month to access the vehicle. Plus it is still a personal choice if the person uses their money to access a vehicle.
This help with their mobility can enable them to work, or to attend medical appointments or
God forbid, have a social life. (sarcasm)
If one goes to Russia and speaks to the ordinary people, a clear majority with whom I have interacted over the years would (anecdotally) much prefer the return of Communism ... They all had a home, education, a job, medical care, clothing, heating, electricity and quite usefully, food. That is most certainly not the case now in the brave new 'Kapitalistic' Russia.
On here we see people from low socio economic classes without money or talent, praising idiots like Trump ..... Yet these people live in squalor, they live a tawdry pointless existence ... But they swallow the propaganda "One day you could be King!" "Being self sufficient makes you a man!" .... Mostly that means, Trump and the 1% don't have to pay for them .... They are so utterly dense they actually believe the hype.
No system is perfect, systems all have winners and losers that is for sure ... But capitalism produces more losers than any other system, that is also for sure.