Hmm. False.
You are a night owl.
You are not Dracula.
You have a favourite children's book
True (by Richard Scarry)
You wish your hair were a different color.
You wish your hair were a different color...
You are a "cat" person.
Yes, in a way, but I am very allergic to them, so have a dog, now. Have lived with loved cats, choooooooo, chooooo, cherie.
You prefer llamas to camels.
True. Have no idea why ...
You know how to knit.
Very true, but haven't for quite a bit of time.
You prefer llamas to alpacas....
true enough.
You prefer lamb's wool to alpaca wool.
Do I?Fancy that.I never knew.I'm not surprised mind you.It's nice is lambs wool if you get it all soft and fluffy and fasten a bunch of it on the end of a tickling stick and chase one of the dames around the house.Alpalca sounds a bit prickly.
Flannel or bullshit.
you drink too much booze
You chuck up when you drink too much booze.
You chuck up on less than 15 units.
<another dumb american question: what's a "unit"?>
<unit = gallon.>
you need a liver transplant
You have both kidneys.
you put the lowest octane gasoline in your car
True (but only from stations I trust)
You travel at least 5 minutes longer than you'd have to to get to the cheapest gasoline.