<heehee> false,
You need a second bedroom.
false (have 3 already)
You need a sympathetic ear
<and how did I miss this thread?>
not having read up, forgive me if I repeat...
You abhor dark red clothes.
You drive an economical car.
True (I guess a mini van is in this category :-) )
You own more than one vehicle
You haven't ridden a bicycle in over two years.
False (rode one today---Raleigh 1976 model in mint condition)
You prefer a drive in the country to a quick trip on the highway
Absolutely true!
You love rock and roll
you prefer a guitar solo to a drum solo
True, usually.
You prefer Brubeck to Lizst?
False (I prefer neither)
You are not a fan of Pink Floyd.
Not sure.
I stopped paying attention to popular rock and roll around the time of the Eagles,who bored me to death, and who sparked me to turn the station. Of course it wasn't all at once, but I'm not sure I've ever heard Pink Floyd.
She quietly waits for gasps to die down.
But... based on the evidence of who else likes them, I am guessing I'd really like them. Which puts me in the putative plus column.
You appreciate a good marguerita.
False. My marguerita drinking has been severely curbed ever since I had a very, very bad tequila experience at age 23. I had too much tequila, and to this day I don't like the taste of the stuff.
You enjoy gardening.
True, sometimes.
You are sincere.
:wink: True, when I'm allowed to be.
you like haiku.
Truly true.
And you do too?
You don't like to hurt people but you'll do what you gotta do.
You jump impulsively to false conclusions.