Assulted during the Minneapolis riots. Police won't help.

Mon 8 Jun, 2020 03:42 am
On 5/29/2020 I was violently assaulted and raped by three black men in downtown Minneapolis MN.

I was attempting to get to my sister's apartment building when I was confronted by three young black men. They chased me and pushed me to the ground. They took turns kicking me including kicking me in the face which broke one of my teeth. They then tore my pants off and took turns violently raping me including anally penetrating me.

I immediately went to the police. The police didn't do much of anything. They took statements from me and had someone examine me physically. No arrests have been made.

I am a white woman. I have a two year old daughter. I am divorced. The only family I have is my sister and my father (mother passed when we were very young).

I have contacted the police many times in the past weeks. The police have been unhelpful to say the least.

Not sure where to go from here. The police department in Minneapolis seems unwilling to help victims or to arrest black criminals in the weeks since George Floyd.

My nerves are shot. I can't sleep. I am in constant pain. I am only thankful that I have some family to support me.
Mon 8 Jun, 2020 04:13 am
I'm sorry that this happened to you. I know that it's easier said than done, but you might need to consider moving. Good luck.
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Mon 8 Jun, 2020 05:48 am
Please contact the Rape Crisis Center at 800.656.HOPE (4673)


They can provide you with local affiliates for counselling and other resources to help you through this.

Thank you for coming forward and sharing your experience, that must have been difficult. I'm sorry for your pain.
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Mon 8 Jun, 2020 10:49 am
Is there some sort of state level police agency you could contact instead of the city police?
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Mon 8 Jun, 2020 12:16 pm
I'm not sure what you want the police to do. It sounds like they took your report and facilitated your examination which is likely all they can do unless you know the identity of the attackers. It sounds like you need to talk to a counselor to help you work through your trauma. Good luck.
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Mon 8 Jun, 2020 05:41 pm
I’m sorry for this horrible act of violence upon you.

Question: when did you go to the police? Right after the incident? They would have sent you or escorted you to the hospital where a rape kit would have been processed immediately.

If it was days after the incident, the physical evidence is not there. Were you able to give a good description of those who attacked you? You should have been assigned an officer to this case.

If you still don’t get any action or resolve, Call the Mayor’s office to get some action. Or the local TV news station.
Sun 2 Aug, 2020 04:50 am
Why the hell do I not believe you??????

Could it be that this website had been overrun by bigots and racists of late who keep posting about how the BLM movement wish to allow blacks men to rape white women? Then this rape happen during a BLM protect period not before or after also so the rape must be connected to BLM and as the bigots here are claiming the police are in danger of being force by BLM to allow blacks men to rape white women you are claiming that the Police are doing nothing.

You never posted one message other then the two concerning a rape on this site and you are more then likely to be one of the bigots who claim that blacks are on the whole rapists, going under a false name.

Oh a gang rape of anyone is rare enough that the local newspapers should cover it so please link to any such story about a gang rape or any rape of any kind over that period of time.

In US history the claim of rape by a black man of a white women less alone three black men had resulted in hangings including one whole well off black town burn to the ground with many kills.

So to sum up bullshit.
Sun 2 Aug, 2020 05:00 am
Ffs Bill, if someone says they’ve been raped you can’t go round screaming liar regardless of your suspicions.

Women have always had a struggle being believed and you yourself have said that a woman can’t be raped if she’s had a drink.

I know you like to think your better side, the side that believes in racial justice, is what is motivating you right now. It’s not, it’s the woman hating side that always supports the perpetrator and considers viewing child pornography as a victimless crime.

You were not there, you do not know what happened, all you can do is take what the OP says at face value and give good advice. If you can’t do that keep quiet.

Sun 2 Aug, 2020 05:17 am
Interesting however if that rape claim had not come just after bigots had been charging that BLM is promoting that blacks should be allow to rape white women and that the poster tied the BLM movement time and local wise with this rape and the police will not acting, I might had been more willing to hold my judgment in this matter.

We do not even know if the poster is female for that matter.

Sun 2 Aug, 2020 05:33 am
You were not there, you do not know what happened, all you can do is take what the OP says at face value and give good advice. If you can’t do that keep quiet.

Sorry I do not see any reason not to used Occam razor on a website where there are any number of posters claiming that Black men are rapist and that BLM is trying to get the society to allow them to be Rapists an the poster claims had all repeat all the elements of the Bigots claims.

Now comment I had not seen you questioning that the whole BLM movement is to allow blacks to kill and or rape whites for some reason.

With special note that US history is full that the charge of blacks men raping white women had results in thousands of deaths and the leveling of a whole town.
Sun 2 Aug, 2020 05:44 am
The BLM movement is not helped by the rabid utterances of a rape apologist like yourself.

You also engage with far right extremists this giving them more attention and raising their profile. And as you're on dodgy ground anyway, you invariably make them look good.

Even slipshit was able to make himself look good by pointing out your appalling English, thus giving the impression that only an inarticulate buffoon could believe in progressive politics.

I ignore such creatures, I don’t validate their lies by arguing against them. I shun them because they have nothing to say.

If you really cared about BLM you’d keep your stupid mouth shut.
Sun 2 Aug, 2020 06:15 am
izzythepush wrote:

Ffs Bill, if someone says they’ve been raped you can’t go round screaming liar regardless of your suspicions.

Women have always had a struggle being believed and you yourself have said that a woman can’t be raped if she’s had a drink.

I know you like to think your better side, the side that believes in racial justice, is what is motivating you right now. It’s not, it’s the woman hating side that always supports the perpetrator and considers viewing child pornography as a victimless crime.

You were not there, you do not know what happened, all you can do is take what the OP says at face value and give good advice. If you can’t do that keep quiet.

For the fun of it I will address some of your claims of my positions even if off subject. Drinking and rape my position is if a couple go out partying together an both get drunk and then have sex the woman regretting the sex afterward have no more right to cry rape then the man does. Not that some woman is drunk an a man used her condition to have sex with her it is not one and the same thing. In other word women are not children and have the same right as men to have sex and just as a man should not be able to charge rape after the fact due to his drinking before the sex, a woman should not be able to do so.

Now child porn I never stated that CP should legal, I had taken the same repeat the same position that a survey of US Federal Judges had taken that the minimum sentences for just having such material to too harsh.

footnote not only does my position agree with the majority of US federal judge it fit the level of punishment under your repeat your nation laws on the subject.
Sun 2 Aug, 2020 06:23 am
The BLM movement is not helped by the rabid utterances of a rape apologist like yourself.

What rape did I apologist for my friend or do you have some proof or even some indication that the poster is even female and not one of the many men on this website that claiming blacks are rapists posting under a false name?
Sun 2 Aug, 2020 06:23 am
Keeping your mouth shut is something you just can’t do.

Whenever you open your mouth you damage the cause of progressive politics.

I never claimed you said that child pornography should be legalised. You said that viewing it was a victimless crime.

On a thread about someone being arrested for watching such material on a plane you played down the extent of his crime, saying he wasn’t watching child pornography at all just innocuous holiday snaps with the odd naked kid in.

In truth, it was the most extreme form of child abuse, airline employees and other passengers who had merely glanced at such material needed counselling.

That’s you all over, immediately siding with the abuser long before the facts are known and that’s exactly what you’re doing here.

Sun 2 Aug, 2020 06:32 am
izzythepush wrote:

Keeping your mouth shut is something you just can’t do.

Whenever you open your mouth you damage the cause of progressive politics.

I never claimed you said that child pornography should be legalised. You said that viewing it was a victimless crime.

On a thread about someone being arrested for watching such material on a plane you played down the extent of his crime, saying he wasn’t watching child pornography at all just innocuous holiday snaps with the odd naked kid in.

In truth, it was the most extreme form of child abuse, airline employees and other passengers who had merely glanced at such material needed counselling.

That’s you all over, immediately siding with the abuser long before the facts are known and that’s exactly what you’re doing here.

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Sun 2 Aug, 2020 06:40 am
Where do you come up with such nonsense as I am for CP to be illegal but viewing it is legal how would that work???

Next you are getting the man on the aircraft confused with the football coach who was arrested for having a video of his children at play naked.

A judge throw out the case and he got his job back and a nice settlement from the college that fired him at once.

Footnote the high level professor on the plane must have had powerful friends as in the end he got off with not the 5 years minimum but a far far lighter punishment that right now I do not remember.
Sun 2 Aug, 2020 06:44 am
You really don't understand English.

Saying something is a victimless crime isn't the same as saying something should be legalised.

It's hardly rocket science.

I'm not the one who is confused.
Sun 2 Aug, 2020 07:02 am
izzythepush wrote:

You really don't understand English.

Saying something is a victimless crime isn't the same as saying something should be legalised.

It's hardly rocket science.

I'm not the one who is confused.

Sorry I also never stated it was a victim less crime just that the punishment is way way out to line with the crime.

That does not included the making of CP that should be highly punish.

You could get less time for must more serious crimes such as rape of a child then for having a collection of CP.
0 Replies
Sun 2 Aug, 2020 07:20 am
You could work for Trump as you have the ability to get off the subject completely now once more why do you assume the poster is even female less alone a victim of a gang rape by three blacks during the BLM protect when the bigots and haters here are posting one post after another of how BLM would like the killing and the raping of whites to be legal or at least not punish

Oh an the police is turning their heads just like the bigots are claiming BLM wish them to.

Using Occam razor seem more then call for in this case.
Sun 2 Aug, 2020 09:16 am
BillRM wrote:

You could work for Trump

Is that a job offer?

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