Francis wrote:Try - You forgot to tell that the French brush their teeth with garlic cream...
Don't worry my friend, that is an absolute lie, spread by jealous Brits. I know they just leave them in a jar of vinegar overnight.
News Wire - Breaking NewsÂ…
Geneva - At its annual meeting, the International Olympic Committee has decided to add French-Bashing to its roster of medal sports in both the Summer and Winter Games.
"We thought it was about time," said Jesus de Manuel y Corazon, Chairman of the IOC and the 1968 European French-Bashing Champion. "Everbody hates those little (edit), (edit), (edit), garlic-eating, (edit), nose-picking French (edit). It's time that French-Bashing was recognized for the truly international sport that it is, one, I might add, that is much more popular than soccer."
In Summer French-Bashing the Basher runs along a 25 meter path to the Bashee (or the Pierre as it is sometimes called), a typical French (edit) picked randomly from the Paris phone book. The first phase of the Bash is called Verbal Bashing in which the Basher has 20 seconds to hurl insults at the Bashee until he starts to cry like a little girl.
Then comes the second phase, or Physical Bashing in which the Basher whacks the Bashee over the head with a baseball bat. Play continues until the Bashee surrenders, which in most cases happens immediately because the Bashee is a scairdy-cat (edit) after all. Scoring is similar to that in diving in which points are awarded on style, technique and degree of difficulty.
Winter French-Bashing resembles its Summer counterpart with the exception that the Basher approaches the Bashee on skis.
I hope that clears up any ambiguity in the L'Entente Cordiale. :wink:
Ps. I am being held prisoner by the Brits. Send help and a fine wine, because what they have here tastes like polecat pi$$. (Don't ask me how I know). Adieu.