Fri 8 May, 2020 12:46 am
Hi. Able2know and Yahoo! Answers are the only Q-and-A sites I really use now and of the time of the posting of this Yahoo! Answers has been down for months.
In the past I used to use a bunch of Q-and-A sites because I have a lot of questions I wanted to ask for mainly research purposes.
A number of sites I haven't used in a long time for one or more of the following reasons:
1. They were shut down with or without notice
2. I left certain sites because I didn't like the way I was treated
3. Certain sites were not easy to use
4. I was booted off certain sites for some stupid reason
I hate to admit I was booted off certain sites. I tried to adhere to the posting rules on sites I was booted off of - they claimed I was violating certain rules and/or that I incurred too many infractions if I remember right. I think also on some sites people claimed I was causing trouble when I wasn't if I'm not mistaken. I think I recall dealing with certain troublemakers on some sites.
The last couple of sites I recall being on were's Q-and-A community,, Webanswers, Blurtit and Quora.
Some of these were shut down and some I ran into problems with. I could take the time to appeal to get back on the sites I was booted off of but I don't know if I want to bother.
I don't know what is wrong with Yahoo! Answers as of the time of the posting of this, but I'd like some alternatives to Yahoo! Answers and this site - general Q-and-A sites like these two. Please list as many as you can.
Which Q-and-A sites are the most common and the most popular ones used now?
It's been a long time since I have kept up with any of this.
Please help. Thank you.
No. They gave some reason for why I was booted off but I never asked them to explain their reason and elaborate on it. I think I didn't want to be bothered.
Yahoo Answers still works for me and I had no recent issue with it.
YA may block a home's IP address if it previously banned an account and the user makes another account.
Quora is still the most popular Q&A site.
There is a list of similar sites on Wikipedia, though some of the listed sites are only available in certain languages or require a paid subscription.
Have you tried putting a message in a bottle?
But what about if a giant biblical times kind of storm surges in and sweeps the bottle to a place with people who never read bottle messages?
...does the color of glass make a difference?
It will probably go to Ninevah or somewhere like that. Isn’t that the usual place?
I thought it might land in Eden. Then I remembered the river no longer goes there...
Now Yahoo! Answers is working. It wasn't working properly for several weeks. There was some kind of glitch on the site. When I clicked on links to other people's questions the questions would not register.
I can now access and use it on my smartphone with no problem.
It had worked for me in the last several months. I think the last time it didn't work for anyone was maybe late 2018.
Might have been in issue with your device connecting to Yahoo.
I'll be glad when I have internet access on my laptop again.
Hi. Lately, as of the time of the posting of this, when I try to access Yahoo! answers I constantly get a message that reads, "Oops... Something went wrong". It has nothing to do with my smartphone. When I activate a VPN that I downloaded to use on my phone and go back to Yahoo! Answers I still get the same message. It's not on my end.
What is wrong with the site?
I just tried it and it worked fine for me.
You were able to see questions after you clicked on the links to them?
Yes I can see the questions and the responses.
I don't know what the issue is then.
Are you sure you’ve not been blocked for some reason?
You do have a tendency to upset people.
So can I now so nevermind.
Oh that's good, I'll stop worrying about it now.