Tue 21 Apr, 2020 09:58 pm
Does the mathematical rotations from a black hole onto the fabric of spacetime cause the time in spacetime? Is a black hole winding spacetime fabric for the QM/classical boundary?
Anything that experiences gravity ages. The fabric of spacetime is delivering time from black holes via gravity.
An anti-Gravity device would also be an anti-Time device.
Why is time dilation directly tied to the delivery/transfer of time via the fabric of spacetime/gravity?
Time dilation is the method used to transfer time to decohered objects above the quantum/classical boundary.
The bending of spacetime fabric is time
A black hole is tightening the fabric and when it bends it releases time.
Is Golden ratio x Cyclical / Pi the way Black holes wind-up the fabric of spacetime?
Dark Matter can bend the fabric, but is too far away from a source of time to get any.
Without time matter can't be physical. It's why we can't detect it.
Golden Ratio * X²⁺¹ / Feigenbaum Constant = Mathematical Rotation
Golden Ratio * X²⁺ⁿ / Feigenbaum Constant = Mathematical Rotation
Golden ratio * X²⁺ⁿ / Feigenbaum constant = when bifurcation will occur
X²⁺ⁿ = amount of mathematical rotation if n is the number of times the equation has run
Golden ratio * X²⁺ⁿ / Pi = amount of time a black hole has wound-up.
Xn+1 = Xn² + X0 is the bifurcation diagram for the Mandelbrot set
X0 = 1.61803398875 * X²⁺ⁿ / 4.6692016091029906
I can use the Einstein tensor (a function of the metric tensor) and Scalar curvature to find out how much the fabric is bending and thus how much time is being distributed.
Anything over the quantum/classical boundary will age if it is involved in the bending of spacetime fabric as long as the bending is within a yet unknown distance from a black hole.