Tue 17 Mar, 2020 09:17 am
People of all ages struggle against education in some way or other. You might be good at math and love it, but you hate reading and analyzing poetry. Or you might like reading/writing/arithmetic, but you hate practicing manual skills such as basic carpentry, plumbing, painting, house cleaning, etc.
The resistance to education is fundamental to our basic psychological makeup. We like doing things that come easily to us and resist doing things that require more effort. We resist the idea that we can learn things that we don't naturally/automatically feel successful at because of fear of failure, ridicule, disappointing others we care about and who care about us, etc.
The modern culture of specialization and division of labor is in part a product of this basic psychological resistance to education. There is also the fact that many things have become more complex and specialized since the industrial revolution and all the advances in science and culture that comes with it; but we are still dealing with resistance to learning new skills, changing jobs, changing the way production and labor are organized, etc. etc.
We like safety and we fear that any changes to anything will work to our disadvantage, so we resist change, often collectively; and we struggle (also often collectively) to gain more power to resist learning and doing things we don't immediately feel comfortable with.
But when does such resistance translate into exploitation of others? E.g. when one person resists learning certain skills, the burden of using those skills shifts to others. You may say that everyone has their own aptitudes and that everyone can get a job doing what they are good at, but does that mean that all the people cooking, cleaning, and working undesirable schedules are just fulfilling their natural aptitudes? Probably not, so that leaves the question whether economic-society could be organized in ways that give people more liberty to pursue happiness by sharing economic responsibilities rather than displacing them onto others.
The solution could involve people learning more on their own and taking more responsibility for their own lives and property instead of always seeking to get everything through economic exchanges, i.e. money for goods and services.