What? You've never seen a guy who looks like a slice of toast? Now I know you've got some candy, fork it over.
Pssst, kid, c'mere. You wanna be cool, too? Yeah?
Here...smoke this. It'll make you feel good. It'll make you popular. You wanna be popular, don't you? THEN SMOKE THE DAMN THING! That's good...don't worry, man, it's just a natural herb.
Now gimmie $20, or take it from ya'.
Everybody run, that Slappy kid is back and he's getting really mean this time.
Hey Slappy, I hear there's some kids that wanna talk to ya. They're over there in the cat box, oh, um, I mean sand box ;-)
And THAT's where we're supposed to be playing marbles???
I wanted to say all of BigDice's posts in a Moe voice, but I forget what Moe sounds like...
Oh Piffka.he sounds like this...ahem...
Ok it´s difficult to type but Moe has a fantastic voice.
It's the Jolly Green Giant and he's brought DaiperMan with him
We better wash our marbles and take a shower too.
Oh cool!!!! DiaperMan is here :-D
Wash our marbles ?? <giggle>
Whatcha laughin at Gautam? Is that funny? hmmmm....
Yeah, Daiper Man, that means Huggies all round.
That's awsome. I love huggies :-)
I'm playing Gezzy, honestly I am...........just forgot to tell you!!!
LOL Misti. I thought I saw you over there by the monkey bars ;-)
Smeg the huggies - for now - where is the funny guy with the cool cigarettes? THEN I'll play huggies....
Who would want to play with huggies? Yecht!
Yeah, I just want to play with kitties ........ they're so soft and huggable!
'Til they crap in the sandpit - teehee!
I have a neat little spadey/sievey thingy that separates the turds from the litter. It has changed my mornings!
Shall I bring an extra here?
We is gonna play huggies, I think, not play WITH huggies.
What a difference a word makes!
Yeah, bring that scooper thingy, we might need it since I saw Misti heading this way with a bunch of cats in her bike basket.
Those scoopies save the day, if yah ask me!
Cats are so fantastic, they take care of themselves! I can't say the same for my ex husband who couldn't boil water!