Snood, I respect that you like what you like. And whatever music someone likes, when they value it to the point of posting threads because they're all into it, they're doing something I understand. (Maybe I shoulda just said that in the first place, eh?

The music industry really did toss boomers overboard though. A generation's reign lasts about 20 years, then a nostalgia phase happens, then that generation is done.
For boomers the 90's was our 'nostalgia period', our final hoorah. We had sitcoms like That 70s Show, and Ally Mc Beal, which had a 60's/70's soundtrack (as did Austin Powers), and PBS was putting on nostalgia concerts, etc. But when the clock struck 2,000, we became extinct.
Was that your fault, or that of black people? NO. It was corporations seeking easy reliable profit that put rap/hip hop in pre-eminence. MTV changed to all rap, then it stopped playing music...so I asked young people, "WHERE DO YOU GO TO HEAR NEW MUSIC, NOW?" And they didn't seem to know!! (hence my feeling that music "ended")
From the 50's to the 90's, we had a
TOP FORTY system of getting to hear the 40 currently most popular songs regularly, while new songs being introduced had to earn a spot in the rotation
by actually being liked. It was democracy. THE PEOPLE decided what they liked.
But profiteering corporate POS's decided that since most people are functionally tone deaf and will PARROT what theyre TOLD they "like", they could just
put out dog crap for music (it's cheapest, and everywhere),
and just tell you "YOU LIKE IT!", and you will.
Corporations did this, while doing likewise to television, which used to have real shows, but putting total crap is cheaper, "ha ha ha, the suckers are dolts and won't notice!"
And this happened. It was decided that younger generations can just be TOLD "here's what you like", and since they're perceptionless parroting dolts they'll go along!
THIS WAY, rap which became called hip hop has remained "most popular" for WAY LONGER THAN WOULD HAPPEN NATURALLY.
So music really did end in 2,000, as I suggested. And the republicans REALLY DID take music education out of our public schools,
and Vladimir Putin thinks it's funny to see our country go to sh*t.
But man, if you like music, any music, and it makes you happy and youre all into it, I can only say RIGHT ON! Thats what I did. I'm just bummed out that it's over, and not because people democratically decide what they like, but because thieving lying profiteering corporate crap bags FOISTED THIS WORLD OF "who cares if it's good? We can fleece people and give them total sh*t for their money. We'll just TELL THEM they like it! HA HA HA!!" ...I really hate THAT.
Anyway, I hope I didn't disrupt your thread just to trash rap/hip hop. I actually just wanted to point out there was a sea change when rap started. And white folks - and I swear this is biological - cant get along with the sound of rap. It makes us feel disturbed, uncomfortable, and like we'll go insane if we have to listen to it for any time. ..But that's not news.
But yea, taking the rock away and replacing it with something we CANT like, that seemed a bit..racism in reverse to me, or at least it was certainly "who cares about whitey"...and I feel bad from that because as a 70's boomer, I've been arm-in-arm side since I was 5 years old...in the 60's, when I found out the world WASN'T as Mom & Dad promised me ("this is America, wrong things arent tolerated here") ...Dad put the news on every night at 6 PM and I was a boy playing with toys on the carpet, but I understood it. And it gave me lifelong conviction that EVERYONE (blacks, women, gays, EVERYONE) should have equal opportunity and respect. And I knew they didn't have it yet.
So when MTV gave the only music station left to a music we couldnt get into, and by canceling our music OUT OF EXISTENCE to do it,
...we didnt say anything. It struck us as you getting some
reparations, being let in. (It brought some money and power to you guys, it lifted boats, and I wouldnt get in the way of that.)