Wed 25 Dec, 2019 03:28 pm
Some financial pundits have suggested that a recession is eminent, while others claim continued progress in our economy. So, which is it? What are your thoughts on this subject, and what do you think should people prepare themselves for in the short and long term future?
@cicerone imposter,
Here, I'll help you wait for an answer.
@cicerone imposter,
Everything that goes up must come down right? But five years is actually not that long and economic volatility can skew the numbers and obscure developing trends. But, on a larger time scale, automation and climate adaptation are going to be real drivers of economic change.
@cicerone imposter,
I'd look at the politics of those making predictions.
Brexit will make our economy tank regardless of anything else.
Don't you think we've already had several years of working on automation and climate change? How do you think these topics will affect our economy and that of the world? Even in our city of Sunnyvale, CA, we're one of the few homes with solar panels on our roof which we had installed some years ago. I'm not sure how much we're saving from it, but our motivation was based on our environment more than saving money.
@cicerone imposter,
We've really just scratched the surface on dealing with both of them. More and more jobs will become automated — for instance, trucking, which is one of the last of the high-paying jobs for the unskilled. And flooded coastlines are going create a housing crisis like we've never seen before.
Automation doesn't mean there won't be jobs. There weren't any openings for systems analysts and computer programmers back in the 19th Century.
The real problem is climate change, we're very close to catastrophe as it is, and if it does tip over it will be sudden and mostly irreversible. It could happen tomorrow.
More ice in the arctics are melting, and dropping into the sea. These are signs of earth's warming. It's predicted that low elevation coastal cities all over the world will be flooded.—-and-a-preview-of-what-climate-change-will-bring-to-coastal-cities/ar-BBWOTCu
@cicerone imposter,
A recession was predicted since the pseudo cure of the recession of 2009...
When? might be next year or adjourned for another two but a bigger crash will come than the one we had.