Thu 20 Mar, 2003 01:31 pm
This fossil I found in Missouri is 4 1/2" accross. Can anyone identify it for me?
Pitter, I can't see the photo. Want to try again? Or can you describe it?
Me neither, but the only fossil I would have a shot at identifying would be the ex-mother-in-law.
I can't see it either. Around here, I'd go to a natural history museum or a college/university archaeology dept for more info.
Sorry the picture isn't showing. It didn't either for me at first then I right clicked the red X to "show picture" and there it is.
I wonder if it is a bitmap and too big to show on a2k? I tried to make it appear by clicking the red x, but no luck!
Try again. I found a small chunk of petrified wood yesterday (she brags). What a thrill!
Nope, right-click/show picture didn't solve it for me either.
Pitter maybe this site will help you identify you fossil:
Paleontology and Geology of Missouri
Clicking on the x didn't work for me either.
I am such a geek. If you can show the pic, I could identify it for you. IS it an animal?
Does it have legs?
If no, Does it have a molluscan shell?
It looks more than anything like a big slug. I'll scale the image down and try again.
Sorry everyone, I can't seem to show the image here. I'll post it elsewhere and put the URL here.
OK I have posted some fossil photos on album titled "Fossils". I'm interested in identifying all of them but the one I was trying to show above is #1 and 1a.
Wow -- the second fossil is so cool... much better than a piece of petrified wood. I recognize that and the shells, which we called angel-wings. Have you checked out this website below? I searched a little, and it had those "angel wing bivalves" plus a section of gastropods with nice photos:
Are we sure this is a fossil and not just a oddly-shaped rock?
It could be a coprolite.
Hi Pitter,
I don't recognize the first two specimens, but the third (#2) might be a trilobite:
And the fourth (#3) looks like a brachiopod:
I don't recognize the last picture.
Here's a good fossil site:
agreed with eqqus - I too think coprolite
The rock strata the fossils are found in will give the general epoch. Also, if the other fossils in that area are brachiopods and trilobites then we're probably talking about the Devonian (or thereabout).
How large were the coprolites in that age (how large were the creatures in the Devonian that left the crap that formed the coprolite), and how large is the fossil in question here?
Good question about how large the critters of that time were... the first post says the fossil was 4 1/2 inches across!
If the fossil is 4.5 inches across, and if that's a coprolite, then it implies a pretty big devonain fish I think.
I'm not saying it's impossible, I just don't know. Also, we might need to identify the epoch sample more accurately at this point.