maxdancona wrote:
I still think you are still confused about what a fact is. You are spouting one-sided political ideology and calling it "facts". A fact needs to be testable in a independent way, and falsifiable (you should be able to tell me what evidence would get you to admit your fact is "false").
You are spouting the most simplistic political dogma and calling it facts. And you are ignoring any evidence that doesn't fit your narrow ideological narrative.
Here are the things you are calling "facts"...
- Many of the unjust tactics that are used in witch hunts, are also being used against Mr. Trump. That is why people are calling it a witch hunt.
- When Democrats abuse the law to harm people who disagree with them, that's a witch hunt.
- [Comparing the impeachment to a witch hunt] is a perfectly defensible comparison.
- Nixon did nothing wrong.
- You are more intelligent than Farmerman.
These aren't facts, they are talking points. They are silly ones at that, they are the most simplistic partisan blather that don't even get to the real issues. If you want to argue any of these are actual facts, then apply the falsification principle....
If Oralloy can argue a real fact, we will all note that he wrote:I will accept that my claimed fact that _______ has been disproven if you provide evidence that _______.
Anything I claim to be a fact, I can do exactly this.