@Walter Hinteler,
Walter Hinteler wrote:
livinglava wrote:It's funny that laws against witchcraft have been struck from legal codes
It's an
impossibility defence here in Germany. (The "superstitious attempt" - here: the attempt to "bewitch" people - is not punitive, because de iure the perpetrator "trusts in the effectiveness of non-existent or, according to the state of scientific knowledge, at least unverifiable magical powers".)
I don't think witchcraft involves supernatural or magical powers.
I think it is just a game of weaving emotion and rhetorical tactics into steering social power against certain targets/scapegoats.
In the Salem Witch Trials, the little girls either pretended or truly experienced themselves as seeing 'figures' and people believed them because they were interested in how the spirit world could interact with living people; but it ended up just being a scam to wrest people's property away from them by getting them put in jail and/or hanged.
One story I remember in particular that's very interesting was that one of the people being hanged began to recite the Lord's Prayer and the audience paid attention because a witch was not supposed to be able to do that; but then the hangman told the crowd that it was just the devil trying to trick them into cancelling the hanging, and so the people backed off and allowed the hanging to continue.
I see it sort of like a magic act or other game of illusion, except instead of trying to trick your audience into thinking you made something disappear, you trick them into turning against some individual(s), typically for political-economic reasons.
So it is pretty obvious that Trump was being witch-hunted consistently from even before the election. There's a left-wing desperation to control government, and they absolutely hate Republicans who threaten political-economic stability at the global level.
It's really just a form of majoritarianism, i.e. angry mob attacking individuals and minorities who don't submit to the collective power of the majority and/or regime of power that controls local majorities via their economic interests.