Sat 11 Jun, 2005 02:48 am
It seems like it's been almost 10 years when the first video phones hit the market but nobody seems to have them now and nobody is selling them.
Am I wrong or is this a popular technology and I'm just looking in the wrong place?
Furthermore, what ever happened to the jetpacks that they prommised us in the 60's? :wink:
Every deaf person I know has a webcam/ video relay. You call, and sign to the person via webcam/ computer. I'm not sure of the science of it, but the impression I have is that it can be done with voice as well.
Sure, videoconferencing. Same idea.
You can also buy cell phones with a small TV screen and a camera.
There's a lot of work being done on VVOIP (voice video over internet protocol) which is an extension to VOIP (voice over internet protocol). The critical area is mostly bandwidth and how the routers handle the information, but expect to see a lot more of these devices in the next year or two.