I agree that Zeno conceived the concept of an infinite limit well before differential calculus and that they discovered irrational numbers, but if I remember my math history pi as irrational came much later.
As for the accuracy of pi, the greeks were able to determine tis from their knowledge of and their knowledge of construction of regular polygons. (the Egyptian mathematicians used a similar determination of pi).
As for the babylonian system (base 60) somehow I find it hard to believe a Greek trader and beancounter wasn't aware of the utility of this system.
The Roman Numerals granted were later but there was a Greek number codes that were roughly decimal until they reached the thousands, then they resorted to something akin to Roman Numerals for 1000, 2000, 3000, 10,000, 20,000, 100,000. Again I opine this was for beancounting and commerce. However, the Greek engineers and scientists (as well as Roman ones) used a number system that was roughly decimal when preforming calculations that involved multiplication and division.
I find the geometric numbers fascinating, particularly as their development resulted in the discovery of several series formula.
As for the 4th postulate and the Riemannian consequence, the Greeks realized that the world was round and that plane geometry wasn't a good model for global navigation.
As for answering pepito's initial question I'd like to reference
Euclid's Elements.