Sat 4 Jun, 2005 10:22 pm
I've been thinking about it, why do we have accents? As little children we can easily pick up any language that is handed to us, but as we get older we're for the most part unable to pick up a new language and speak it perfectly. Why is that? Why could we form all the sounds we wanted to as kids, but as adults we simply cannot form certain sounds? What has changed?
Thank you for that info. So why does it get increasingly difficult with age?
I think accents are due to the gradual shift of language from generation to generation along with isolation from other communities doing the same thing.
Also, when people interact with people of other languages, they adopt inflections over time.
New Zealand accents are a strange mix of english with heavy Scots and Maori (indigenous) inflections, plus a bit of Australian tossed in for good measure which is itself a hybrid.