Scented candles or air freshener?
apple pie or pumpkin?
Silver yet I have none....
Taxi or drive yourself?
drive myself at home and most of the time, taxi in Chicago...
Paris or Rome?
Paris - I'm a romantic. hahhaha
shaving or hairy
letters or phone talks?
Crime mystery or romance novel?
crime mystery of the two
white meat or dark meat
dark meat
Sex with a dead dog or a dead cat?
<and to think I was just coming in here to play with you, Gus>
Let me take this one.....
dead cat
Sunrise or sunset?
sunset (simply because I'm awake when the sunsets)
guacamole or midnight moon hosta?
Midnight moon
Boston or Rome?
to live: boston
Maine or Virginia?
Bowling or skydiving?
loafers or boots?