Simple - I am too dumb for complex...
Kiss or hug ?
depends who - hug's safer
up betimes or slugabed?
depends, but I am fond of slugabedness somewhat more.
Lacy or a dense weave?
dense (its a man thing)
Hair - long or short?
home decorating - trad or modern?
bit of a trad man
paper or emlusion
emulsion (we 'murkins call it paint)
Hardwood floors or carpeting ?
Really hardwood.
Curtains or clear windows?
I have complex views on this, not illustrated by the above simple question.
clear windows
flowers or chocolate?
well you can't eat flowers
Chocolate - milk or dark?
activity or passivity?
sort of passive in the morning getting more active as the day goes.
Jogging - watch or do?
sex, watch or do
watch, but that never happens (laundry, that is)
Dryer or clothesline ?
Clothesline, back in LA, I actually designed and built an overhead trellis w/clothesline for myself. Er, it needed the slight modification, as hangers twirled in the wind. But, ne'er mind that, it was a good idea.
Here in north north, why would anyone dry their clothes in the cold, re most months?
You forgot either or osso I'll do one for you,
Live in the north or south?