You said Ixapter's cartoons and comics are amateurish. They
are amateurish- they do look like something a 12-year-old made, despite the fact he claimed to have gone to art school like I did when I asked him.
He's produced a number of animated videos that have generated at least 1 million views.
I think one of the reasons his Pac-Man/SMB video game-themed cartoon and comic videos are popular is because of content.
You commented about the lewd content of his Pac-Man/SMB-themed cartoons and comics. His cartoons and comics are very fanservicey.
He reinvented the three Mario princesses to look like sexy pin-ups. I would still like to ask him why he did that if he was making his cartoons and comics "for everybody".
I think another reason his animated SMB/Pac-Man videos are popular is the comedic timing. He is good at that.
Another reason is storytelling. He actually tells stories in his SMB/Pac-Man cartoon and comics videos. He's actually put some thought into writing them.
He also uses poetic monologues to narrate his animated SMB/Pac-Man videos, which draws people in, unless he's using songs for narration.
I think he uses these things make up for the amateurish art.
His animated SMB/Pac-Man videos that have generated at least a million views are somewhat decently animated.