Is this a cultural war or a political war?

Reply Thu 2 Jun, 2005 04:55 pm
June 2, 2005
A Town's Struggle in the Culture War

MUHLENBERG, Pa. - In April, at an otherwise mundane meeting of the school board here, Brittany Hunsicker, a 16-year-old student at the local high school, stood up and addressed the assembled board members.

"How would you like if your son and daughter had to read this?" Miss Hunsicker asked.

Then she began to recite from "The Buffalo Tree," a novel set in a juvenile detention center and narrated by a tough, 12-year-old boy incarcerated there. What she read was a scene set in a communal shower, where another adolescent boy is sexually aroused.

"I am in the 11th grade," Miss Hunsicker said. "I had to read this junk."

Less than an hour later, by a unanimous vote of the board (two of its nine members were absent) "The Buffalo Tree" was banned, officially excised from the Muhlenberg High School curriculum. By 8:30 the next morning all classroom copies of the book had been collected and stored in a vault in the principal's office. Thus began a still unresolved battle here over the fate of "The Buffalo Tree," a young adult novel by Adam Rapp that was published eight years ago by HarperCollins and has been on the 11th-grade reading list at Muhlenberg High since 2000. Pitting teachers, students and others who say the context of the novel's language makes it appropriate for the classroom against those parents and board members who say context be damned, it is a dispute illustrative of the so-called culture war, which, in spite of its national implications, is fought in almost exclusively local skirmishes. The board was set to meet the evening of June 1 to reconsider its decision.

"We're absolutely middle-American," said Joseph Yarworth, the schools' superintendent for the last nine years. "And we're having an argument over our values."

According to the American Library Association, which asks school districts and libraries to report efforts to ban books - that is, have them removed from shelves or reading lists - they are on the rise again: 547 books were challenged last year, up from 458 in 2003. These aren't record numbers. In the 1990's the appearance of the Harry Potter books, with their themes of witchcraft and wizardry, caused a raft of objections from evangelical Christians.

Judith Krug, director of the library association's office for intellectual freedom, attributed the most recent spike to the empowerment of conservatives in general and to the re-election of President Bush in particular. The same thing happened 25 years ago, she said. "In 1980, we were dealing with an average of 300 or so challenges a year, and then Reagan was elected," she said. "And challenges went to 900 or 1,000 a year."

Muhlenberg is a township of modest homes and 10,000 people or so, a bedroom community for the city of Reading, in the southeastern quadrant of the state. It is conservative politically and almost entirely white, and there are a growing number of evangelical Christians. Miss Hunsicker had just returned from a two-week church mission in Honduras when, encouraged by her mother, she made her public complaint.

But the town is not militantly right wing. It is significant that even the more vociferous opponents of the book did not insist it come off the school library shelves (though thieves apparently took care of that). In fact, on April 14, as soon as Dr. Yarworth discovered that an overzealous underling had had copies of the novel stored in the school vault, he ordered them returned to storage in classrooms so it could still be read by students who sought it out.

"I wanted us to comply with the narrowest possible interpretation of the board's decision," Dr. Yarworth said.

What followed was a period of unusual activism here. Students circulated petitions. Teachers prepared defenses of the book, and their local union prepared a defense of the teacher who had assigned it. Letters on both sides appeared in the local newspaper, The Reading Eagle, which published a number of articles about the dispute. In May a column appeared headlined "The Upside of Censorship," by a regular columnist, John D. Forester Jr., who wrote that after reading only "passages" of "The Buffalo Tree," "I am actually applauding the efforts of parents to have books banished in their school libraries and classrooms." A few days later, an editorial took the opposing view.

On May 4, the school board met for the first time since banning "The Buffalo Tree" and about 200 people attended, 10 times the usual number, Dr. Yarworth said. The president, Mark Nelson, apologized for his vote to ban the book, not because he approved of it in the curriculum - he admitted later he had not read it - but because he felt the decision had been hasty and in violation of the board's policy for book challenges, which says a challenge should first be heard by a committee of teachers and administrators before the issue goes before the board.

Another member, Otto Voit, who had read the novel, responded that the board, as the ultimate authority, was within its rights in removing the book from the curriculum.

Over the next two hours, some of the rhetoric on both sides became inflated. Some declared that dirty words are dirty words, and that with novels like "The Buffalo Tree" being taught it's no wonder American society is going down the tubes. And others, not allowing for the genuine discomfort that some readers of "The Buffalo Tree" feel, invoked the specter of Nazi book-burning.

Several students spoke with more reasonable passion about the value of the novel, and one high school senior, Mary Isamoyer, offered to replace the missing library copies of "The Buffalo Tree" with her own.

"Do not insult our intelligence by keeping this book from us," she said.

Tammy Hahn, a mother of four and perhaps the most outspoken of the book's opponents, responded that the students' view was irrelevant. She was not about to let her daughter take part in a classroom discussion about erections, she said, adding that it amounted to harassment to subject a girl to the smirks and innuendoes of male classmates who would have no sympathy for her discomfort.

"This is not about a child's opinion," she said of the students' defense of the book. "This is about parents."

Afterward, Joan Kochinsky, a board member who had not been at the previous meeting, moved that the ban be rescinded. But wary of making another decision in haste, the board postponed the vote for a week.

On May 11, it met for another tense, well-attended session that lasted until nearly midnight. This time there was much discussion about the particulars of Miss Hunsicker's unhappiness with the book.

School policy allows for alternate reading assignments when a student or a parent objects to a book on religious or moral grounds, but Miss Hunsicker never did that; her mother, Tammy, said she would have made those specific objections if she had known it was necessary. Miss Hunsicker had simply asked for something else to read because she didn't like "The Buffalo Tree," and her teacher, Luana Goldstan, refused.

"No one is more critical of literature than English teachers," Stacia Richmond, a colleague of Ms. Goldstan's, told the board. "Do you really think we as educators choose literature in terms of its titillation? Do you not realize we are battling the same immorality you are?"

Dr. Yarworth then suggested that confusion could be avoided if a more explicit policy for book challenges were given to parents, including a synopsis of all books on the required reading lists. If that were done, he asked, would the board consider rescinding the ban on "The Buffalo Tree"?

An informal poll was taken, and by a 5-to-3 vote the board indicated it was ready to reverse itself. It was unclear how many members had finished "The Buffalo Tree"; at least two had, at least three had not. But the lengthy debate seemed to prepare them to change their minds.

After the meeting, however, Mrs. Hahn said she felt her arguments had been given short shrift, and she met privately with Mr. Nelson, the board president, to push the idea of a rating system for schoolbooks, similar to what the Motion Picture Association of America does for films. And on May 18, the board rejected the English department's new policy for book challenges and asked that Mrs. Hahn's requests be accommodated: that reading lists made available to parents include a ratings system, plot summaries of all assigned books, and the identification of any potentially objectionable content.

Teachers adamantly opposed these strictures, Michael Anthony, chairman of the English department, said, adding that they would undoubtedly result in more frequent challenges. Dr. Yarworth, who is trying to broker a compromise between the board and faculty, said he had already heard a few grumbles about "Of Mice and Men" and "Catcher in the Rye."

In any case, Mr. Anthony said, " 'The Buffalo Tree' isn't coming back anytime soon."

* Copyright 2005 The New York Times Company
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Type: Discussion • Score: 1 • Views: 2,590 • Replies: 37
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Reply Thu 2 Jun, 2005 05:06 pm
I suppose this may get me ridiculed, but i rather think a parent has a right to control what their child reads. If you fail to properly care for your child, in the view of the state, you can be held legally responsible. Therefore, to my mind, it follows that you have the right to completely control your child's environment insofar as so doing does not legally constitute abuse. If you are vegan, for example, and the diet you provide your child does not imperil their health and growth, no one has the right to interfer, and more particularly, your legal responsibilities give you the right to claim you are making decisions in the best interest of the child.
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cicerone imposter
Reply Thu 2 Jun, 2005 05:32 pm
Set, There's a huge difference between censorship and "best interest for my child." "Censorship" has too much subjectivity to determine what is right or wrong. What may be acceptable to one parent may not be acceptable to another. Most people use "community standards," but that falls apart even in the article I posted above. Diets are a whole different issue as it pertains to "all the children in our schools."
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Reply Thu 2 Jun, 2005 05:35 pm
My point, however, C.I., is that censorship in libraries is one matter, and censorship in schools is an entirely different matter.
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cicerone imposter
Reply Thu 2 Jun, 2005 05:39 pm
I don't look at censorship that way; chldren should have access to both.
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Reply Thu 2 Jun, 2005 05:45 pm
You have no right, C.I., to state what other people's children have access to. They have every legal right, deriving from their legal responsibilities, to censor the literature to which their children are exposed.
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Reply Thu 2 Jun, 2005 06:19 pm
Does that mean the parents should be allowed to censor school science books for their children?
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Reply Thu 2 Jun, 2005 06:20 pm
cicerone imposter wrote:
I don't look at censorship that way; chldren should have access to both.

I haven't read the book nor had I heard about this story previously. I'm usually fairly leary of people that complain about books in school but I'd have to agree with Set's comments.

The children aren't prevented from reading the book if they choose to. It just isn't mandatory that they read it at this point. There isn't any censorship involved.
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Reply Thu 2 Jun, 2005 06:36 pm
edgarblythe wrote:
Does that mean the parents should be allowed to censor school science books for their children?

Don't try to twist what i've said, EB. Knowledge of science is crucial to a child's ability it to cope with the modern world. Attempts to inject non-scientific matter into science curricula can definitely be characterized as inimical to a child's best interests.

Don't play that **** with me, EB, i don't do it to you.
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Reply Thu 2 Jun, 2005 06:41 pm
Now, now, Set. Just testing your train of thought. Not trying to instigate.
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Joe Nation
Reply Thu 2 Jun, 2005 07:08 pm
Setanta: Some folks aren't exercised about what their children read as much as they are exercised about what my children read. Critical thinking is as necessary to a child's ability to cope with the world as knowledge of science, I'm sure you'd agree, and both are under attack by right wing idealogues throughout this country.

This isn't about making sure your kid isn't reading "Young Nurses in Heat", this is about assigned classwork. Maybe the parents could zip through a few hundred pages and have a DISCUSSION with their children as to whether the stuff was crap or not. There may be bonding.

Some of the stuff my kid was assigned was pap, some of it had a little weight. (Although I was at the PTA meeting where one parent rose to protest the inclusion of Frankel's Man Search for Meaning because 1)it was mostly about concentration camps and 2) the writer might be Jewish.
And this was at a Catholic school that I was paying really good money for) Parents need to make themselves aware of what's being assigned and then talk to their kids about it.

Maybe the kid can open their minds.

I'm glad Ms. Hunsicker (the 11th grader) didn't like the Buffalo Tree and stood up to say so, but the decision to remove it from the curriculum ought to remain the province of the teacher. Maybe, after fifteen or twenty reviews like Ms Hunsicker, the teacher will decide that the book is bunk after all.

And everyone will have learned to view things critically, not a bad thing.

Joe(today's chapter is from ,,,)Nation
0 Replies
Reply Thu 2 Jun, 2005 07:34 pm
Setanta wrote:
I suppose this may get me ridiculed, but i rather think a parent has a right to control what their child reads. If you fail to properly care for your child, in the view of the state, you can be held legally responsible. Therefore, to my mind, it follows that you have the right to completely control your child's environment insofar as so doing does not legally constitute abuse. If you are vegan, for example, and the diet you provide your child does not imperil their health and growth, no one has the right to interfer, and more particularly, your legal responsibilities give you the right to claim you are making decisions in the best interest of the child.

Agree. It is pointless to assign responsibility, while withholding authority.
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Reply Thu 2 Jun, 2005 07:47 pm
I couldn't agree with you less, Joe, when you write: "Some folks aren't exercised about what their children read as much as they are exercised about what my children read." I have no doubt that the world is full of Mrs. Grundy's of many descriptions. This case in point was that of an objection by a child to the prurient matter in a book which said child had been obliged to read. Which is a far cry from someone else supervising what your child learns. Those who consider that such material does a positive harm to their child have a right not to accept a principle that would entail a dozen children being so exposed before the material is removed from the curriculum. It is for precisely such reasons that there are such organizations as the Parent-Teachers Association.

I have little taste for attempts on your part to lecture me in such matters, since nothing i've ever read in these fora suggest to me that you have a superior comprehension.

Set(put something pompous and self-congratulatory in this space)anta
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cicerone imposter
Reply Thu 2 Jun, 2005 07:58 pm
Set, Parents have every right to censure any reading material from their child, but that's really not the issue. The real issue becomes who sets the standards for teaching materials at school? ** When our children were young, I used to take them to a bookstore and told them they could select any book to purchase - including comic books. I never saw the need to censure anything from our two boys.
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Reply Thu 2 Jun, 2005 08:01 pm
Setanta wrote:
Those who consider that such material does a positive harm to their child have a right not to accept a principle that would entail a dozen children being so exposed before the material is removed from the curriculum. It is for precisely such reasons that there are such organizations as the Parent-Teachers Association.

You might note that i've already expressed my opinion on that matter, C.I., which strongly suggests that parents do indeed have a right to supervise the material to which their child is exposed. This isn't a case of a foolish objection to, nor a racist objection to, nor an ideological/theological objection to the material assigned to the students.
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Reply Thu 2 Jun, 2005 08:03 pm
As a parent of four, I tried to exercise control over what information my children ingested, fictionwise, musicwise, friendwise and moviewise. There are some parents who successfully maintain such control. I was unable to do it. There were no school books I objected to. They were reading Pygmalian and the like. But, movies and music were another matter. Songs that said, "Going to bust some shots off, About to dust some cops off . . ." were forbidden. But, there is no way to stop the kids from hearing this stuff. I told my son why I objected to Charles Bronson's Death Wish films. His reply: "I saw Death Wish at a friend's house. It's a good movie." I had to content myself to advising them and trusting they would have good sense about these things. As it turned out, they all are parents and no worse than anybody else's kids. Each is self sufficient.
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Reply Thu 2 Jun, 2005 08:05 pm
So, if I were a parent, I could prevent them from offering Shakespeare to my kids? hmmmm, I wonder if I still have time ...
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Reply Thu 2 Jun, 2005 08:05 pm
You better git busy, Miss Girl . . .
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Reply Thu 2 Jun, 2005 08:07 pm
I'll let ya know how it goes.


In any case, I'm with JoeN on this one. Though perhaps less understanding of Miss Hunsicker.
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Reply Thu 2 Jun, 2005 08:52 pm
If your local Parent-Teacher Association approves, then more power to them. It would be nothing new:

Britannica Online wrote:
Bowdler, Thomas

(b. July 11, 1754, Ashley, near Bath, Somerset, Eng.--d. Feb. 24, 1825, Rhydding, near Swansea, Glamorganshire, Wales), English doctor of medicine, philanthropist, and man of letters, known for his Family Shakspeare (1818), in which, by expurgation and paraphrase, he aimed to provide an edition of Shakespeare's plays that he felt was suitable for a father to read aloud to his family without fear of offending their susceptibilities or corrupting their minds. Bowdler sought to preserve all Shakespeare's "beauties" without the "blemishes" introduced (he supposed) to please a licentious age. The first edition, the title of which was spelled The Family Shakespeare (1807), contained a selection of 20 plays that probably were expurgated by Bowdler's sister, Harriet.
Although criticized for tampering with Shakespeare's text, Bowdler deserves a certain amount of credit for making the plays well known to a wide audience. The word bowdlerize, current by 1838 as a synonym for expurgate and now used in a pejorative sense, remains his most lasting memorial.

Joe implies that anti-semitism was at the root of someone's objection to a book in a PTA meeting, but i note he does not say how the matter was settled. Whether or not any particular literature is deemed appropriate in a scholastic setting is hardly that important to a family in which the parents take personal responsibility for their children's education. We get the word education from the French, and in their language, it means what one learns at home. People who claim they believe in participatory democracy will be hypocrites if they object to the decisions of a fair and open PTA meeting. They will always be, whether or not they recognize it, the most responsible parties for the quality of education which their children receive.
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