Sun 29 May, 2005 01:56 pm
I'm currently in 8th grade and next year I will be taking geometry so I was wondering what exactly do you learn in geometry? Also, what is vector geometry?
My daughter is taking geometry this year. Here are the chapter titles from her text:
1) Points, lines, planes, and angles
2) Deductive reasoning (if you haven't already been, you'll be introduced to proofs)
3) Parallel lines and planes
4) Congruent triangles
5) Quadrilaterals
6) Inequalities in geometry
7) Similar polygons
8) Right triangles
9) Circles
10) Constructions and loci
11) Areas of plane figures
12) Areas and volumes of solids
13) Coordinate geometry
14) Transformations
In summary, you'll learn about the basic components of geometry (points, lines, planes, angles, rays, segments, distance, etc.) and lots of properties about various shapes (particularly triangles, quadrilaterals, and circles). A lot of it is really cool stuff.
Although it utilizes algebra at times, geometry is quite different. Some people who struggle in algebra thrive in geometry and vice-versa.
Thanks for the summary, I should look up some of those before the end of summer break, especially the ones that I have no idea what they are.