I almost killed myself (and several others) this morning on my way to work. I was driving along minding my own business. I was about a 1/4 mile from work when out of the corner of my eye, I see a little floaty thing hanging from the ceiling(?) of my car. At first I think, hey, it's just a floaty fuzz but upon turning my head I see that it is a spider on it's spinneret coming down! I almost died. If you don't already know, I am afraid of spiders. And this was one of those twitchy, quick spiders. I couldn't take my eye off of it, I couldn't seem to get far enough away as it landed on my console, and I shouldn't take my eyes off the road. I think I swerved a few times, I went through two lights and I am not really sure if they were green, yellow or red. I am driving while frantic. Panic is starting to set in. I literally swerve into the driveway to my work parking lot and I frankly don't care where I stop, I just need to get the hell out of that car. The spider is just sitting there, watching me, probably holding on for dear life as I drive like a crazy person. I have my seatbelt off before I stop, the door is open before the car is in gear and I leap out. Now, the task of killing it. I can't leave it there to just wait in that car for me later. I stand there like an idiot, heart pounding all frazzled, trying to work up the courage to kill this stupid thing. I manage to get it. And then I realize that the last 3 or 4 minutes are a complete blur. I drove down a major 4 lane (on each side of the median) road while scrambling to get away from a spider.
It never crossed my mind: crash my car or be touched by a spider? Apparently, I would rather die in a car crash.