this is part of the imformation from the website of the "italian embassy in ottawa" - see link below for more information .
Italian citizenship is based on the principle of ius sanguinis (blood right) by which a child born of an Italian father or mother is Italian; nevertheless, it must be kept in mind that the mother citizen has only transmitted citizenship to minor children since January 1st 1948 as a result of a ruling by the Constitutional Court. Italian citizenship is currently regulated by Law No. 91 of 5 December 1992, which, unlike the previous law, re-evaluates the importance of individual desire in the gain or loss of citizenship and acknowledges the right to hold citizenship in more than one country, except in the case of the various provisions of international agreements.
1. by having an Italian parent(s);
2. by being born in Italy:
including cases in which the parents are unknown, stateless or do not transmit their own citizenship to their child according to the legislation of the State to which they belong, as well as children found abandoned in Italy and for whom it is impossible to determine status civitatis (citizenship);
3. through paternal or maternal recognition while the child is a minor (in cases in
which the child recognised is no longer a minor, he/she is obliged to elect to become a citizen within one year of recognition);
4. by adoption, both if the foreign minor is adopted by an Italian citizen by means of
the Italian Judicial Authorities, as well as in the case in which adoption is granted abroad and made effective in Italy through a writ, issued by the Juvenile Court and registered with the Civil Registry.
If the adoptee is no longer a minor he/she can become a naturalised Italian citizen after 5 years of legal residence in Italy (see How to Apply: Naturalisation).
if you want to find out how to become an italian citizen , i suggest :
1) you read all the information provided in the link below .
2) gather all the documents required plus any additinal information you might have about your parents ; if your parents original italian passport is still available it would be very useful ; also any documents about the entry into canada would be helpful - usually called a "landing card" ;
if you do not have the immigration document , you may be able to obtain a duplicate - for a fee - from the canadian government .
3) make an appointment at the consulate to discuss your status .
4) if you are not satisfied with the answer from the consulat , phone the embassy and make an appointment for a personal discussion with an embassy official .
keep in mind that the more documentation you have , the better the chance of success ; even old letters and adresses of relatives in italy might be helpful .
finally , you could just gather all your documents and take them to italy to discuss your status with a government official over there .
if you speak italian , your chances of obtaining your citizenship might be better .
do you still have any contact with relatives in italy ?
if not , it might be useful to establish contact and enlist their help .
good luck !
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