Thanks for asking little k!
Here, for starters:
In a nutshell, it is a scientific study which observed the effects of Mt. St. Helens and how the findings would tend to support a young earth theory.
Please note my careful use of the words, "tend to support" rather than prove.
And that I believe is the real point here, both creationism and evolution are theories, not scientific facts.
And yes, "evolutionists" (not "creationists", frank) are shaking in their boots in anticipation of having to share the dias with creationists.
While the lot of you may find it humorous, I tend to think that the continued blind eye turned from more and more scientific data which tends to support creationism and discount evolution is the real joke in all of this.
"Don't bother me with facts, I have my mind made up".
Such intolerance among "scientists" is really quite illuminating.