Thu 13 Mar, 2003 12:21 pm
I'd like to invite you to a Fête Française! I'll make all the french fries and french toast you can eat. I'll bake quiches and brioches. I'll make hollandaise sauce.
Bring french wine - red or white! Bring champagne! Did I forget quelque chose Française?
Don't forget to RSVP!
De rien, Je returnerai (is that a word?) en retard.
In the song MERCI BON DIEUX as sung by Harry Belafonte, he is giving thanks to God. Doesn't merci mean thanks?
What happened? Is it 14th of July today (not to be confused with the 4th)?
Merci, chére littlek.
Sauce Béarnaise
Sauce Béchamel
Tarte Tartin
Oui, merci = thanks!\
Merci, et bonjour, la petite K!
Well, it would be better if French were more busy with their really wonderful cuisine and leave international politics to Americans...
Merci, littlek! (I assume there will be pommes frites on the menu?

This is not a political thread.

My bad! (I knew someone would call me on that...

Je pense que vous avez signifié "de rien"?
littlek j'aime mon chou de litte
<leading everyone in a rousing chorus of "Aupres de ma blonde", which is a lot more fun than "Frere Jacques">
Camembert for mes amis!
A moose in the chocolate. I got that one.
There's a place in France
Josephine Baker does a dance