Mon 9 May, 2005 04:44 pm
In the real world, what might be a situation where it is preferable for the data to form a relation but not a function?
If the variables in an equation were reversed, what would happen to the graph of the equation? For example, how would the graph of y = x² relate to the graph of x = y²? When might such a reversal of variables be useful in the real world?
90 degrees counterclockwise.
Sometimes you have an equation with several variables, and you solve for the one of interest. If I were able to convert matter 100% into energy, and I wanted to know how much energy a gram of matter would produce, I would use E = mc^2.
On the other hand, if I wanted to know how much matter I would need to produce a hundred killowatt-hours of energy, I would solve this equation for m and use m = E/c^2.