oralloy wrote:
livinglava wrote:Those are all good points, but they ignore the fact that the president has to function independently of external manipulations to do a proper job. All this talk about publishing his tax returns ignores that information in them, if made public, could be used to threaten/coerce him in his presidential functions.
Leftists see damaging America as a good thing.
"Damaging America" is too vague a statement. Anyone can claim to be "protecting America" by fighting against anything that threatens anyone doing anything in America. E.g. they could say that anti-crime laws threaten organized crime as a major contributor to GDP growth and job-creation in America.
The bottom line is that this isn't about protecting Trump as a person or business; it is about ensuring that external interests don't gain access to pain-points that can be used to push and manipulate Trump in various ways.
Trump is unpopular, among other reasons, because he stands up to global interests that abuse and exploit the US through trade. Those interests are wealthy and they have shown that they are willing to effectuate pain surgically to manipulate government and policy in various ways.
Do you remember when the tariffs were initially announced, the EU threatened to boycott imports produced within the voting districts of key government officials, so that they could quickly get those officials replaced in order to eliminate the tariffs?
Try to understand the fundamentally anti-democratic character of such tactics. They are not interested in discussing trade goals and appealing to the better judgement of people who might resist trade for various reasons. Rather, they simply want to cause surgical economic effects that will bring people into submission to free trade.
If such interests are willing to seek and use pain-points to manipulate voters, why wouldn't you expect them to apply similar pain-pressure to the person holding the office of president to bring him into submission? Where is the respect for democracy in which opponents of the president are supposed to bring reasonable arguments to him for his consideration?
Public discourse is the route critics of Trump should take if they seek different policies than the ones he's enacted. They should not be trying to undermine his power by means of exposing him to financial threats/coercion based on his personal information.