Hi, it's a slow morning so I thought I'd post about my fish "hobby". Experience wise, I'm relatively new with about three years under my belt. I also kept fish (live bearers) during the four years of high school, but I don't count it towards any practical experience; I had no idea what I was doing, really. I did a water change every once in a while - whenever I was reminded to... I was completely ignorant of the science involved.
One nice aspect of this hobby is that my wife and I share it. She is actually more enthusiastic than I am. The best thing is, I get plenty of help with maintenance!
Anyway, I'm posting the link to my picture page. The page is getting old, and some things have changed. The 75g tank is up and running, and the contents of the 55g have been moved over into it. The 55g tank itself is no longer with us. The 20g long tank is not running anymore, either.
As we speak, I am setting up a 125g for cichlids. It's very slow going because of all the rock work, but it will be worth the time. You can't rush in the fish hobby. :wink:
My Tanks Page