Sat 7 May, 2005 08:59 am
I found this at another forum, I think it's pretty interesting:
I live under a yearly icome of an average of about 17,000, which makes me the 705,148,772 richest person in the world.
I have 5,294,851,228 people poorer than me, and I'm in the world's top 11.75% of richest people.
How about you?
"You are in the top 99.99% richest people in the world.
There is 9 people poorer than you.
How do you feel about that? A bit poorer we hope. Please consider stealing just a small amount from some of the other poorest people in the world. Many of their lives could be further ruined dramatically or even wasted if you steal just one hour's salary.
Oh, and in case you're interested you are the 3,941,392,565 richest person in the world."
I'm not even going to look. I'm divorced
And i'm a student so the same applies
I am rich in many currencies...I have the love of my family and friends, good health, good looks, talent, length, girth, a comfortable home. I am one of the few who make a living doing exactly what they want doing all they ever wanted to do. As for money, I'm not rich by Republican Corporate Bastard Criminal standards, but I'm doing okay. I am thankful for my blessings and consider myself wealthy in many respects.
Don't you hate it when someone comes around with one of those Hallmark Card, Love Valley Hippie responses like I just did?
PS it is true though.
Having squinney on your side, you're truly blessed and one lucky guy
I think this site was sponsered by the IRS - I'm not going
to fall for it
Yeah, yeah, the donations, I know. That wasn't the aim of my posting.
I'm not too concerned who thought it up, who pays for it or what their intention is - I just found the info. interesting :wink:
blueveinedthrobber wrote:Don't you hate it when someone comes around with one of those Hallmark Card, Love Valley Hippie responses like I just did?
No, and don't apologize for what you wrote.
I feel VERY rich myself. I have a great husband and son who would do anything for me, a lovely home filled with mementos of loved ones here and gone, a beautiful garden, work that I love doing and that doesn't consume me, friends that I dearly love and enjoy, and I've been able to travel to some places I once only dreamed about. We make enough money for what we need and some extras, I have money saved for retirement, and my health is currently good. So what else is there to ask for?
There were times in my life when I had none of the above. I am very grateful, and I intend to enjoy this as long as it lasts.
CalamityJane wrote:Having squinney on your side, you're truly blessed and one lucky guy
I think this site was sponsered by the IRS - I'm not going
to fall for it
How come nobody ever considers that squinney might be lucky to have me? No freakin' respect
HAHA! Enter $91, and it still gives you the same crap "I hope you feel a bit richer, please donate part of your $.06 hourly income."
Enter under $90 however, and it tells you that most likely you don't have access to the internet and maybe you need to recalculate.
How dare you all be rational. Gah.
Don't expect mere fact to sway my opinion. :wink:
I'm so rich, a hobby of mine is to walk downtown, and when I cross paths with a begger, stop like I'm digging some change out of my pocket. Then I pull out a hunny dolla' bill, and as his eyes open wide like saucers, I then present the lighter in my other hand, light the sucka' on fire, and throw it on the ground.
But I wipe my ass with only fiddy's, yo.
You are in the top 0.809% richest people in the world. That cannot be true - but anywhay I have 100% for people who care about me. :wink:
Funny - I'm the 13th person to respond to this thread, but in the thread about "how far in debt are you" has 40 something.
I feel very rich. Materially, I have a roof over my head, food in the pantry, a job, car etc. Debt I have right now has been carefully planned and anticipated.
Weird, I was just saying to my husband the other day that we are richer than 99.9% of the earth population.
Other than material stuff - I am very very blessed. Love, respect and health. What more can you want.
I've always thought I was happiest when my needs and desires where closely matched.
When asked why I choose not to have certain things (I don't even have a computer at my home-just work) I answer "It'd be just one more thing to have to keep track of."
I can't even get my mind around some of the things many people have to deal with every day. Cable, digital, HDTV, phone plans, cell phone plans, shopping malls, breast augmentation, $5.00 cups of coffee etc. It's just too complicated, and I certainly don't feel denied or deprived.
Hmmmm, maybe this is a thought for another thread.